duress alarm actuator

Election Worker Safety Concerns Highlight Need for Duress Alarms As the 2024 elections approach, a disturbing trend of violence and threats against poll workers has many officials on high alert. Reports of physical assaults, arson targeting ballot boxes, and even an...
duress alarm push button

duress alarm push button

Panic Buttons Installed Ahead of Potentially Violent 2024 Elections As the nation braces for a contentious and potentially violent 2024 election day, election officials in key swing states are taking unprecedented measures to protect poll workers, including installing...
duress alarm instructions

duress alarm instructions

Duress alarms, also known as panic buttons, have become an essential tool in providing quick assistance during emergencies. Jet Hotel Solutions (https://www.jethotelsolutions.com), a leading provider of duress alarm systems, is excited to introduce the groundbreaking...
Employee Duress Alarm

Employee Duress Alarm

The Growing Importance of Employee Duress Alarms: How New Laws and Technologies are Enhancing Workplace Safety On September 5, 2024, New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law the Retail Worker Safety Act, which will require retail employers to implement...
Panic Button for Retail Store

Panic Button for Retail Store

Retail workers have faced increasing threats to their safety on the job. From violent crime to active shooter situations, the dangers are all too real. In response, a growing number of states are passing laws requiring major retailers to implement panic button systems...
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