With increasing demands on guest experience, network convergence, bandwidth shaping and more technology creep than ever before, following Best Practices for hotel network infrastructure design and planning to meet and exceed future requirements are more critical than ever. Your total investment for building a hotel,as owner can be severely compromised, leading to cost overruns, delayed openings and the inability to meet new Public Safety DAS and 911 Location-Based Services laws for both Guest and Staff. In addition, delivering a network infrastructure that can easily scale for higher bandwidth demands of Guest WIFI (HSIA), Voice, Guestroom Entertainment, Guest Streaming devices and Over the Top services. The infrastructure that supports this ecosystem needs to be, above all, reliable and flexible. Protecting your investment while exceeding your Guest Experience and expectations, has been the Core Value at JET Hotel Solutions.
Simplify your Selection – Hotel Experts
In the world of new construction and renovations there are always trade-offs with quality vs. cost-effectiveness, proven solutions vs. new trends, integrators and aggregators who can do more than specialists who only focus on one area and the like. However, as an owner, you shouldn’t have to trade Hospitality knowledge and Best Practices for a cheaper aggregated price. At JET Hotel Solutions, we act as your Owner Advocate to ensure a Best of Breed solution that meets or exceeds regardless of your price range, technology services or project type you are looking to complete. With our 25+ years of Hospitality Technology experience, and extensive list of proven industry partners, you can be assured to provide quality service and solutions at the best price.
Optimize and Reduce Costs – More is More
Should you choose Ethernet (CAT6) or Fiber? Should you consider GPON Fiber to Room for your hotel infrastructure? Does your hotel need to deploy COAX? How many cable drops per room are required by the Brand to meet the Guest In-Room Technology? What are the advantages and disadvantages of deploying a Converged Network? What are the Best Practices and Bicsi Standards for Hospitality in order to future-proof your hotel investment and provide you the most flexibility and lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)? Should you distribute your cabling throughout the hotel and segment by floors in IDF/Telecom closets or try to “Homerun” everything to the main PBX/Computer Room (MDF)? Which cabling medium should you deploy for your horizontal runs? What is a plenum cable and is it required for my project? How does the HVAC system interact with my structured cabling requirements? What are the benefits of running dark cable pairs and Fiber, both horizontally and vertically? What are ways to Value Engineer the project? Always choose options that are going to benefit your hotel long-term. Cutting a few thousand dollars at this pivotal stage in new construction with cable lengths, cable type and Best Practices may end up costing you ten times as much later during Technology upgrades and renovations.
Mitigate Risk – Do it ALL
Structured cabling projects are a huge and confusing undertaking for any owner/hotelier, but there’s one key metric that can save you countless headaches: Do they do it ALL? In other words, when your CCTV contractor leaves site, will the cameras be up and running with no additional costs or will extra labor be required? What about your Audio System provider? Are they providing just the installation and testing on their equipment and speakers. Is your wiring provider only running cable or will they also be terminating, testing and tagging every location? Wouldn’t it be more cost effective with less headaches to manage all through a single source, centrally project managed solution? It’s important to get a jump on these projects early and find a provider you can trust, one that will provide you with a full turnkey solution, which will allow you to have transparency on your costs and to execute your project and open your hotel on time and on budget.