Staff Alert Hotel Panic Buttons

Everyone has the right to feel safe in their workplace. But, the unfortunate truth is that hotel staff, many of whom work alone for hours a day, are far and above more likely to be victims of assault. This is why all major hotel brands and an increasing number of local municipalities have pledged to fight this issue and protect their most valuable assets, their employees. Starting with the AHLA 5 Star Promise in 2018, hotels are equipping their staff with safety buttons so that they can be immediately located if in distress.  Hotel panic button legislation have also been passed in many cities and states that have specific requirements and deadlines for hotel employee safety devices.

Simplify your Selection – Trusted Industry Partners

IoT technology has exploded in popularity in recent years and so it’s not hard to imagine why there are dozens of providers trying to leverage their IoT products for the hospitality space. That’s why it’s important to partner with a vendor who knows you and knows the industry. The brand-preferred providers are all familiar with hotel operations and have developed solutions that use existing technology to deliver a precise tracking system to alert key users across the hotel of suspicious activity. Furthermore, for your own financial protection, you’ll want to invest in a provider that’s going to be around for a long time and is going to be able to weather all the changes that will come to this technology that is only in its infancy.

Legislative landscape for hospitality safety laws

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Optimize and Reduce Costs – Leverage Existing Technologies

These devices work in a number of different ways, from riding Wi-Fi networks to working with Over The Top solutions to creating a separate bluetooth network to even being tacked on to existing in-room devices like the TV or the phone. We suggest you choose a vendor that uses the technology available to provide a seamless install in the short term and cost-effective solution for the long haul. Don’t go to the trouble of installing yet another device that may break or cause complications if you don’t have to and steer away from devices that require pairing with other devices and installing additional pieces of software, requiring all those to be updated and properly functioning to work effectively. We advise all of our hoteliers to go for the brand approved solutions that will provide them with the most seamless integration, least maintenance and the lowest monthly equipment fees.

Mitigate Risk – Act Now!

Although it is never a good time to invest in yet another piece of technology for the hotel, this one is different. Not only do you get the peace of mind of knowing your staff are safe and that your managers are properly equipped to handle emergencies, but you also get the freedom of not letting brand, union and local legislative actions dictate the timeline of your financial decisions. We recommend that all owners take action now to get a solution in place, limit liability and increase staff satisfaction and safety.
