Why Does My NVR Keep Rebooting? How to Troubleshoot and Fix

As network video recorders (NVRs) become more prevalent for monitoring security camera feeds, homeowners and businesses alike can encounter frustrating scenarios where the recorder repeatedly restarts without obvious cause. But before panic sets in and you chuck the glitchy unit out the window, take a deep breath. In most cases, NVRS stuck in reboot loops or endlessly power cycling have relatively straightforward solutions. This guide explores the common culprits behind NVRs that won’t stop rebooting and key troubleshooting steps to stabilize your system.

Top Causes of NVRs That Keep Rebooting

While the occasional reboot is normal to refresh software and clear memory leaks, NVRs that continuously reset indicate larger issues needing attention.

Why Does My NVR Keep RebootingThe most likely offenders include:

  • Faulty power supply – Insufficient power or failing power components force restart attempts
  • Hard drive failure – Damaged/corrupted drives trigger reboot efforts to correct
  • Overheating – Hot components exceed safe temps and system reboots to avoid permanent damage
  • Buggy firmware – Code flaws/conflicts initiate crashes and restarts
  • Incompatible software – Monitoring apps can conflict with firmware and spur crashes
  • Excessive recording settings – Overwhelmed device restarts to clear overload
  • Time/date issues – Incorrect datetime settings confuse system operations
  • Physical damage – Impacts, liquid spills, wires chewed by rodents can all contribute too

How To Troubleshoot a Rebooting NVR

When dealing with an NVR endlessly restarting, methodically test different components to isolate the failure point.

  • Check connections – Confirm all power cables, ethernet cables and hard drive connections are snug.
  • Loose wires are common reboot culprits.Inspect fans and vents – Power off to safely clean any dust/debris blocking airflow and heat dissipation that can force reboots due to overheating.
  • Toggle recording settings – Adjusting frame rate, resolution and scheduled recording duration to lower levels removes overhead that strains flawed hardware and software.
  • Update firmware – Buggy firmware often spurs system instability. Download patches directly from the manufacturer’s website and install to rectify coding issues. Enable auto-update features as well after correcting the initial problem.
  • Try alternative apps – If a recent app update preceded endless rebooting, uninstall and revert to a previous stable app version that allows viewing video without taxing the NVR.
  • Power down fully – Completely disconnect all power and connectivity cables for 2 minutes, eliminating any electricity flow before reattaching one component at a time to identify problematic piece.
  • Factory reset – If no other actions stop the reboot madness, resetting the NVR to a blank-slate default state often resolves software gremlins. Note: This erases custom settings and video footage.
  • Replace hardware – If firmware rollbacks, software tweaks and settings adjustments fail to halt reboots, hardware components like hard drives and power supplies may need professional replacement.
    When Should An NVR Be Replaced Due To Constant Rebooting?

While the reboot problem-solving steps above cover many troubleshooting angles, some NVRs ultimately reach a point where fixes become time and money sinks.

NVR at hotelSigns it’s time to replace a persistently rebooting NVR include:

  • Unit is very old – Equipment over 5 years old sees more hard drive failures and component wear
  • Repairs exceed replacement cost – At some point, parts and labor outpace a new NVR
  • Issues continue despite fixes – If every reset remedy attempted still results in reboots, underlying flaws likely necessitate a new setup
  • Additional problems manifest – Alongside rebooting, error messages, recording gaps and camera disconnects indicate systemic failures
  • Warranty coverage absent – Out-of-warranty repairs typically cost more than replacement NVR
  • While giving up and starting fresh can be discouraging and inconvenient, modern NVR technology improves greatly year over year. Latest equipment provides faster processors, expanded camera support, better apps and advanced cybersecurity compared to aging devices cobbled along through endless reboots.

Tips to Minimize NVR Reboots

Avoiding unnecessary reboots comes down to proper ongoing system maintenance. Best practices include:

  • Keep firmware updated – Patch security flaws and install enhanced features through manufacturer provided firmware updates. Enable auto-update options.
  • Give ample ventilation – Prevent overheating by keeping intake and exhaust vents debris free. Don’t enclose systems in cabinets lacking airflow.
  • Use a UPS battery backup – Surge protectors and uninterrupted power supplies smooth electrical irregularities that can disrupt NVR operations. Added battery power enables safe shutdowns during outages too.
  • Turn off unused features – Features like live remote viewing increase processor workloads. Disable unneeded options.
  • Adjust recording parameters – Set appropriate resolution, frame rate and retention length for storage space and complexity of monitoring needs.
  • Clean components yearly – Gently blow out dust, pet hair and grime to facilitate cooling.
  • Know warranty terms – Understand length and limitations of warranty coverage for fails within expected operating lifespan.
  • By combining common sense maintenance, optimal device settings and rapid response to problems as they emerge, endless NVR reboots can be avoided in most cases. But if all efforts fail to stop the vicious cycle, replacement becomes the sane route beforecascade system failures set in.
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How to Reboot Your Network Video Recorder (NVR)