The Importance of Hotel Technology

Hotels are gettings smarter in technology. Guests base their stay on 4 aspects:

  • Reviews. What are other people saying about this hotel?
  • Age. Generations of guests want different things.
  • Location. Where the hotel is located.
  • Value. What does the guest in return for a stay at your hotel?

These are the main factors that play into booking a reservation, but there are a few other reasons too. Here are a few other things guests are thinking when they sty with you.

Guests are expecting technology

Up-to-date technology is paramount for a healthy guest experience.

The phone lines, internet, and television should have the most recent packages. This allows the guest to do work or be entertained while staying with you.

Outdated technology is a security issue

If your technology isn’t up to date, you run the risk of security threats.

Systems have a higher tendency of crashing if they’re outdated. Also not to mention they have a higher chance of being hacked.

Depending on how old your technology is, your hotel may not comply with the necessary technology compliance standards.

Hotels are getting smarter

As technology advances, new and innovative ways of using AI, IoT and other modern technologies are making their way into the hotel guest experience.

Here are a few ways technology is being used today:

  • Energy-saving. Smart thermostats manage the air temperature when guests are not present to lower the utility bill.
  • Robots. Hotels are using robots to serve guests, manage luggage, and deliver room service.
  • Mobile room keys. Some hotels are ditching the key card and moving to the use of mobile phones to open doors.
  • Remote check-in/-out. Guests can check in or out with their phone.

Jet Hotel Solutions has 25 years of experience in providing consulting for New Build construction and Renovations in Guest-Facing and infrastructure technology within Hospitality. Schedule a call or contact us to learn more.

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